Options to configure a bundler with environment variables.
The Bundler can be configured through environment variables or a .env
file at the working directory. Some variables are required while others are optional.
Base variables
These variables are generally relevant to all bundler modes.
Environment Variable | Description |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_ETH_CLIENT_URL | RPC url to the execution client. |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_PRIVATE_KEY | The private key for the EOA used to relay User Operation bundles to the EntryPoint. |
Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_PORT | Port to run the HTTP server on. | 4337 |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_DATA_DIRECTORY | Directory to store the embedded database. | /tmp/stackup_bundler |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_SUPPORTED_ENTRY_POINTS | Comma separated EntryPoint addresses to support. The first address is the preferred EntryPoint. | Depends on the major version. See 🗺️ Entity Addresses |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_BENEFICIARY | Address to send gas cost refunds for relaying User Operation bundles. | Defaults to the public address of required private key. |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_ NATIVE_BUNDLER_COLLECTOR_TRACER | The name of the native tracer to use during validation. This will be "bundlerCollectorTracer" if using builds from ERC-4337 execution client repo. | Defaults to nil and will fallback to using the reference JS tracer. |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_MAX_VERIFICATION_GAS | The maximum verificationGasLimit on a received UserOperation. | 6,000,000 gas |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_MAX_BATCH_GAS_LIMIT | The maximum gas limit that can be submitted per UserOperation batch. | 18,000,000 gas |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_MAX_OP_TTL_SECONDS | The maximum duration that a userOp can stay in the mempool before getting dropped. | 180 seconds |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_OP_LOOKUP_LIMIT | The maximum block range when looking up a User Operation with eth_getUserOperationReceipt or eth_getUserOperationByHash. Higher limits allow for fetching older User Operations but will result in higher request latency due to additional compute on the underlying node. | 2,000 blocks |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_IS_OP_STACK_NETWORK | A boolean value for bundlers on an OP stack network to properly account for the L1 callData cost. | false |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_IS_ARB_STACK_NETWORK | A boolean value for bundlers on an Arbitrum stack network to properly account for the L1 callData cost. | false |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_IS_RIP7212_SUPPORTED | A boolean value for bundlers on a network that supports RIP-7212 precompile for secp256r1 signature verification. | false |
Searcher mode variables
These variables are relevant to bundlers running in searcher
Environment Variable | Description |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_ETH_BUILDER_URLS | Comma separated list of RPC urls to block builders that support eth_sendBundle . UserOperation bundles will be broadcasted to all builders in the list. |
Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_BLOCKS_IN_THE_FUTURE | The number of future blocks to submit a transaction for. A higher value may slow down processing but has a higher chance of inclusion. | 6 blocks |
Reputation constants
These variables relate to the constants defined in ERC-7562 account abstraction validation scope rules.
Environment Variable | Default value |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_MIN_UNSTAKE_DELAY | 86,400 seconds or 1 day |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_MIN_STAKE_VALUE | 2,000,000,000,000,000 wei or 0.002 ETH |
Alternative mempools
Stackup Bundler supports alternative mempools via a standard JSON schema.
Environment Variable | Description |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_ALT_MEMPOOL_IPFS_GATEWAY | All mempool configurations are pulled from this IPFS gateway. A connection to a trusted IPFS node will ensure mempool configurations are immutable. |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_ALT_MEMPOOL_IDS | Comma separated list of mempool IDs to support. Alternative mempool IDs are equivalent to their IPFS CIDs. |
Observability variables
Stackup Bundler supports tracers and metrics via OpenTelemetry.
Environment Variable | Description |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_OTEL_SERVICE_NAME | The name for this service (e.g. stackup-bundler). |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_OTEL_COLLECTOR_URL | The URL to forward OpenTelemetry signals to. |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_OTEL_COLLECTOR_HEADERS | Optional collector request headers. This must be in the form of key1=value1&key2=value2 . |
ERC4337_BUNDLER_OTEL_INSECURE_MODE | Optional flag to disable transport security for the exporter's gRPC connection. Defaults to false. |
Updated 11 months ago