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How to send native txs i.e transferring matic on polygon with simpleAccount with executeBatch ?

I have been trying to run executeBatch with simpleAccount wallet address and it works fine with contract integration as it takes in an array of destination address and data but there is no array for the value field in case one of the txs in this batch txs is a native tx which would need a value field here . So any ways to resolve this issue? Any sample code to refer to ?

Web3Auth Next.js App - web3Auth doesn't show up

![](https://files.readme.io/f84f9ae-image.png) ![](https://files.readme.io/47016d9-image.png) ![](https://files.readme.io/880f1bb-image.png) nothing show up in web3auth page

Integrating stackup with zerodev kernel

I am currently using simpleAccount.sol for creating SCWs. Stackup also allows using zerodev's kernel which according to the docs create better and future proof SCWs. So i need to clarify a few things. (i) Do we need to signup for zerodev separately to use zerodev's kernel with stackup? (ii) Do we need to pay separately for sponsored transactions if we integrate zerodev's kernel through stackup? I want to confirm this because zerodev also allows sponsoring txs but they charge 5% of sponsored txs plus 0.01$ for every transaction so which fees would be pay , zerodev's paymaster ? or stackup's paymaster ? or both?

ERC20 transfer by the metamask client

I have followed the quickStart example, where everything went successfully the major problem is how a metamask user can use this scenario, because reading the project, the data sent hasn't been signed by the client Is the same when we have the approve, the msg.sender() has to be the owner of the tokens

Paymaster Error

Hello, I have an account abstraction project for minting custom NFT and I wrote my main.ts code according to your guide. When I'm trying to run it I got an error code: 32521 related to pm_sponsorUserOperation. I don't understand what is the issue and how can I solve it. Thanks in advance for your help. Best regards

simulation: insufficient token payments

I used a paid plan, but when I traded USDC on bsc and enabled withPaymaster, the result I got was `{"code":-32601,"data":"simulation: insufficient token payments","message": "simulation: insufficient token payments"},"id":42,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}`, I need your help yarn run simpleAccount erc20Transfer --token 0x8AC76a51cc950d9822D68b83fE1Ad97B32Cd580d --to 0xf40FaD5FEA83286c409653A720391c204cdBd4F1 --amount 0.0001 --withPaymaster

AA40 over verificationGasLimit

I have a question in this video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1kjF_1cPjM&t=486s> In it, you utilize require("./erc20Abi.json") (at video 8:08) but this file seems to be missing from the project. I attempted to substitute it with the erc20 module from npm, but I encountered an "AA40 over verificationGasLimit" error. I suspect this might be due to the version of the module I used. Could you advise on how to obtain the latest erc20Abi.json? Thanks. my repo <https://github.com/LTN917/stackup_demo>

Quickstart Example - After Executing simpleAccount transfer to EOA account, no ETH is recieved on EOA account

I have followed the quickStart example, where everything went successfully. but I have not received any ETH on my EOA account. command : yarn run simpleAccount transfer --to 0xE257F48Df257d84BF02c88A494E7e0171E1Ab6cB --amount 0.01 Transaction hash: <https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/tx/0x1fdc6316072ada5919da633edbae32ec6cf88db678d943efe1aa199b162b5c2d> UserOpHash: 0xed4a6bc21326126d8bc192a4aa1d423388a255cc2f1806b6f1026f2f185fabea EOA account (Reciever): <https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xe257f48df257d84bf02c88a494e7e0171e1ab6cb> can anyone please guide me here?

Paymaster ETH management

Hello, I have a question about the paymaster. Is it possible to manage sponsored transactions via the paymaster with my own eth? I don't see any fields in the settings to manage it.