πŸ—ΊοΈ Entity Addresses

A reference to related ERC-4337 addresses.


The EntryPoint address is the same on all EVM networks.

AddressReleaseStackup Bundler VersionAuditNotes
0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789v0.6.0v0.6.xApril 2023EVM equivalent chains

Stackup Bundlers v0.6

These are the official Bundler addresses run by Stackup that support the April 2023 audited EntryPoint.

Stackup Paymasters v0.6

These are the official paymaster addresses run by Stackup that support the April 2023 audited EntryPoint. The address is the same on all networks.


Accessing the address programatically?

If you need to reference these programatically, we don't recommend hard coding the address into your application. Instead use the pm_accounts RPC method.

These addresses may be rotated at any time. Using pm_accounts ensures you're always using the latest paymaster. This is useful in the ERC-20 use-case where a paymaster approval is required.

0x9D6AC51b972544251Fcc0F2902e633E3f9BD3f29Primary on all chains
0xE93ECa6595fe94091DC1af46aaC2A8b5D7990770Deprecated as of 23rd January 2024

Testnet ERC20 gas tokens

These testnet tokens can be minted through the Etherscan interface for values under 1 Ether. They are not worth anything and only used for testing purposes. See the Paymaster API docs to read more about using ERC20 tokens for gas.

TokenMainnet Replacement

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